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Pre/Post Peel Kit

Sale price$225.00

Bid farewell to blemishes with our Hyperpigmentation Kit, a powerhouse skincare system that's been turning heads. Say goodbye to unwanted dark spots from sun exposure, acne scarring, or melasma. In just 4 weeks, this Best Selling Skin System dramatically brightens your skin, setting the stage for a flawless complexion. Packed with potent antioxidants such as green tea, and enriched with Vitamins C & E, this kit not only restores healthy skin but also takes a stand against the signs of aging. Your skin texture is refined, and pigmentation takes a backseat, leaving you with the radiant and healthy glow you've been dreaming of. Embark on your skin journey today!
Pre/Post Peel Kit
Pre/Post Peel Kit Sale price$225.00